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Quest WorkspacesOct 31, 2018 10:26:29 AM1 min read

Quest Workspaces in Tampa Auctions Office Fixtures for Disaster Relief

For Immediate Release

Shared Office Space Company, Quest Workspaces, in Downtown Tampa Auctions Off Office Fixtures for Hurricane Michael Relief Efforts

TAMPA, FL: Shared office space provider, Quest Workspaces, in Downtown Tampa, is auctioning off two floors of office furniture, décor, and artwork starting on October 31st until November 5th with all proceeds going to the Hurricane Michael Relief Fund.

Quest Workspaces is the largest regional coworking space provider in Florida, Laura Kozelouzek, Founder and CEO explained why they were compelled to do the auction, “With Quest Workspaces being a Florida based company it hit home for us.  During Hurricane Harvey and Irma, we donated towards relief efforts but with the massive devastation caused by Hurricane Michael we felt we had to do something bigger to offer as much relief to the victims as possible.”

Hurricane Michael is the 3rd most intense Atlantic Hurricane to make landfall in the United States in terms of pressure. In addition to being the strongest hurricane to hit the Florida Panhandle in recorded history.  It devastated the region – killing 29 in Florida and 39 in total.

Acquiring two floors of fully furnished and decorated office space this past June 2018 from a former office provider at the Rivergate Tower,  Quest intended to dispose of the items prior to their renovation construction that begins in November.  Through their QUEST CARES program, an initiative that’s provided over $500,000 in free office space and services since 2012 to local nonprofits,  Quest will collect the bids and send all funds to the Red Cross.

“Quest will match whatever funds are collected through the auction up to $5,000.  We hope this inspires others to find creative ways to offer assistance during the worst of times,” Kozelouzek explained.

To participate in the auction email, to be provided with further instructions on dates and times to see the items and how to bid.

For more information on Quest Workspaces and their services email

400 North Ashley Drive, Suite 2600, Tampa FL 33602      Telephone: 813.712.8700


Quest Workspaces

At Quest Workspaces, we’re proud to be different because we’ve built a leading brand based on old-fashioned, reliable business principles combined with a culture of innovation and constantly improving the customer experience.