While meeting someone in person is a great way to build a relationship, many times networking doesn’t generate a high return on investment. If your business finds a home in a shared office space, virtual office, coworking, or furnished workspace environment, here are three proven power networking techniques to turn contacts into contracts.
Stay on their mind through office space social media.
Why not participate in the social media for the office space? Here you can engage your coworking neighbors with value adding content that creates top of mindedness and allows you to get back in front of those in your coworking community. For example, at Quest Workspaces we offer Facebook and LinkedIn community groups to foster interconnectivity between our Questers.
Send them a nice, juicy referral.
What would you do if you got a call from someone you met in a conference room at last week’s coworking luncheon – only to hear that he or she is sending you a ripe new client? Try this on someone in your shared office space and you’ll experience shock and awe as a response.
Invite them to be a keynote speaker at your company lunch hour.
This is a cinch for those within the same coworking location because there’s no commute! What better way to get to someone’s attention than to offer them an audience? Reserve a meeting room and fill it with your team and some coworking friends, and let the power networking begin!
Quest Workspaces strives to unleash the power of its coworking community by nurturing positive interactions amongst those who inhabit our shared offices. Contact a center manager to learn about the power networking opportunities we make available to the Questers who call our workspaces their home, and see how this has given them the freedom to grow their business!