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Quest WorkspacesOct 18, 2023 2:07:01 PM4 min read

How to Align Back-to-the-Office Efforts & the Start of the School Year

At every end of summer vacation, parents across the nation brace themselves for the annual back-to-school, back-to-work whirlwind. It might be an exciting moment for the kids, but for working parents, a new school year means juggling work-related commitments, school orientations, and other parental responsibilities. With studies estimating that 53% of parents find the start of the new school calendar as the most stressful time of the year, the transition from summer break to the school routine can impact the overall well-being of working parents and their productivity. Fortunately, there is so much that employers can do to help working parents navigate the back-to-school, back-to-work season and enhance their productivity. 



Here are ways to help employees balance work and family life at the start of a new school year. 


Embrace flexibility

Flexibility can be a game changer for working parents who need help to manage the back-to-school, back-to-work transition. Integrating flexible schedules into a working parent's routine can be a practical solution to help them balance their work commitments and their children's schooling. Take advantage of leading flexible workspace options such as Quest Workspaces to provide your employees with the flexibility, resources, and support needed to manage both aspects of life effectively. These workspaces often allow parents to work closer to home or offer flexible options for remote work. They can significantly reduce commute times, allowing parents to adjust their schedule to drop off or pick up their child from school without the fear of repercussions at work. Quest Workspaces are designed to alleviate stress and increase the productivity of members. Parents can take advantage of the quiet, professional environment to accomplish their work efficiently, freeing up more time for their children.


Provide resources and support

Consider offering support to help employees effectively transition from the festive season. Parents' schedules get thrown off in the summer, but when kids are back in school, it is back to serious business. Support in the form of counseling services or tips on time management and stress reduction goes a long way in helping them smoothly transition back into their work routines. Shared workspaces like Quest often organize workshops and webinars equipping members with tips for balancing work and family life. These events can be a great way to demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of employees and foster a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.


Leverage Employee Resource Groups (EGRs)

One of the most effective tools to support working parents during the back-to-school season is employee resource groups (ERGs). ERGs refer to the groups within a company that allow employees to connect over shared life experiences. These groups offer a sense of community, a space for promoting causes, and a support system for individual growth and career advancement. For working parents, an ERG provides the support and resources they need to navigate the back-to-school season. It offers a platform where individuals can share their experiences, trade valuable advice, and offer mutual support. During the back-to-school season, ERGs available at Quest Workspaces can offer guidance on everything from managing school runs to finding after-school programs. 


Hear them out 

Demonstrate a genuine interest in your employees' concerns by dedicating time to listen actively. The simple act of the employer inquiring how an employee's child is doing in transitioning back to school can mean a lot for an overwhelmed employee. One effective approach could involve setting up routine individual sessions to address any difficulties they may encounter during this period. Alternatively, consider establishing an anonymous feedback mechanism to allow employees to voice requirements and concerns. Fostering open communication during team meetings and showing appreciation for input by acknowledging and validating their worries also goes a long way. This understanding approach can alleviate stress, ultimately reducing anxiety during the challenging transition period. 


Be efficient

Efficiency is always crucial in the workplace, but it might be especially vital for working parents. You should be mindful of the number and agendas of meetings you schedule during this season and make them as inclusive as possible. If a meeting is potentially replaceable with an email, opt for sending an email instead. When delegating tasks, be mindful of everyone's schedules and establish achievable deadlines. Although urgent matters may arise, it is prudent to carefully review what really requires immediate attention. 


Quest Workspaces can help your employees achieve work-life balance

The back-to-school, back-to-work season can bring a unique set of challenges and anxieties for working parents. The stress of managing both worlds soon after a relaxed festive time can impact well-being and work productivity. Quest Workspaces offers a range of solutions that can assist parents in managing the back-to-school, back-to-work transition. Our workspaces provide flexibility, support, and a conducive environment, helping parents balance their professional and family responsibilities more effectively. 


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Quest Workspaces

At Quest Workspaces, we’re proud to be different because we’ve built a leading brand based on old-fashioned, reliable business principles combined with a culture of innovation and constantly improving the customer experience.