Another book I enjoyed was “Womenomics, work less achieve more, live better”by Claire Shipman of Good Moring America and Katty Kay BBC News.
I was drawn to this book for 2 reasons, first I am a woman and the second was because I came up with the saying “work happy, achieve more” for my previous company. It was and will always be my mission. I believe we should all love what we do and when we do, we are most productive and can achieve the most important life goal… happiness!
Anyway… the book is geared towards career woman, but most of the concepts apply to both men and woman.The book is about how outside forces have aligned in a way that is enabling workers to work on their own terms.
“Old pressure cooker work environments don’t work, Gen X and Yers want unique non-traditional career paths so that they can achieve all of their life goals. They are impressively confident about their priorities, and they wont settle for anything less than liberation. They do have very strong work ethic, but they want more balance, a satisfying work and personal life. These workers demand more flexibility, meaningful jobs, professional freedom, and higher rewards.
Much research has been done on the workplace of the future and it is clear that it will be more fluid, virtual and less office-bound.
This is why I love our business, Flexible office space, Outsourced office space, serviced offices, or as some old timers call it excutive office suites. It’s troubling to me that our industry doesn’t have a clear name! Maybe that’s a good thing. As the way we work rapidly evolves so do our priorities. Twenty years ago everyone wanted to be an “executive” and if they weren’t they wanted to pretend they were. Today more weight is put on flexibility and way of life.
Rather than titles workers want freedom! Ego is less at play and we are resetting our priorities. It used to be that working from home was inferior, today if you can work from home, out of choice, when you like… well then …you have arrived!
In a small way, through Quest Workspaces, we are enabling that freedom and playing our part in this new revolution and the future of work.