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Quest WorkspacesOct 27, 2021 1:51:55 PM4 min read

Reasons Why B2B Accounting Clients Prefer Firms With Real Office Space

There is no doubt the aftermath of COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the role of the traditional office. Today, more and more organizations are adopting a hybrid working model that allows employees to choose alternative work locations outside the typical company offices. A recent survey by Owl Labs reveals 92% of people surveyed say they expect to work from home at least 1 day per week after the end of COVID-19, with another 80% revealing they expect to work from home at least 3 days per week.   



Despite the undeniable growth of remote working, many businesses still see a huge value in maintaining real office spaces. Available statistics show a whopping 44% of all surveyed companies say they don't allow their employees to work remotely at all. Specifically, if you are a B2B accounting firm, having a real office space can be a great way to improve your engagements with your existing and potential clients. This blog focuses on the value of having an office space from a client perspective.


Provides Credibility and Trust

Customer trust and confidence are the cornerstones of any successful accounting firm. Potential clients will only seek your services if you can prove you are a reputable and trustworthy brand. A well-designed, professional, and branded office increases your client's confidence and trust in your capabilities, services, or solutions. What the customer feel when they step into an office determines how they perceive your firm, which ultimately impacts your success. In essence, an office is a physical embodiment of your company and a place where stakeholders, clients, and potential customers experience your brand.


Offices are More Accessible to Clients 

In the current highly competitive marketplace, your business needs to be highly accessible to your customers or clients. Having a real office space helps your clients access you faster and effectively for better engagements. Locating your physical office on the doorsteps of potential clients makes it much easier to set up meetings and create a meaningful connection than you would if you were operating from home or coffee shops.


Offers Better Customer Experience

Today's customer values experience over price or product, meaning they are more likely to stay with a company based on the experience they receive. To improve customer experience, accounting firms need to be efficient at all times. Undoubtedly, a real office is more likely to be equipped with business-level infrastructure that drives efficiency, optimizes productivity, and enhances customer experience. If you are working from your home office, chances are your IT network and systems or phone systems aren't great, and this ultimately frustrates your clients incredibly, leading to poor customer experience. You can meet the quality of services you give to your clients by moving into a fully serviced office space like those provided by Quest Workspaces.


Provides Professional Meeting Environments

Setting up professional meetings with your clients in uncontrolled environments can be a nightmare. Outside meeting spaces located in homes or restaurants are prone to myriads of interruptions from children, pets, neighbors, patrons, and more. These distractions can be monstrous, especially when you are trying to make conference calls or video calls. If not controlled, interruptions from background noise during meetings can lead to strained work relationships and poor perception by your clients. The best idea to avoid all these challenges is to move to a dedicated office. This is especially crucial for small accounting firms seeking to establish their footing in the fast-paced competitive accounting world. An ideal real office takes your clients out of uncontrolled, risky environments and ushers them into a productive, professional environment.


Provides Legitimacy in a New Market

You can expand into new markets successfully only if you have a physical office. Most potential clients in new markets need a company's physical presence before doing business with you. Having a physical office shows legitimacy in the eyes of potential clients and may help you gain their and trust loyalty. In essence, a physical office in a new market shows your customers you are serious about their business, which can help you earn seed customers and dedicated employees.


Get Exceptional Office Space Solutions Today

Without a doubt, there is something unique about real face-to-face business meetings happening in offices. Doing meetings over the phone and other virtual platforms is one thing. Convincing a client, you are the right firm for their accounting needs in a face-to-face real office meeting is a different ball game altogether. 



If you need reliable offices spaces solutions customized to make your brand more visible to existing and potential clients, contact Quest Workspaces today. We are the leading providers of office space solutions designed to boost your image as a professional firm, so your clients can increase their trust and confidence in your services. We will equip your offices with super fast business-standard internet connections, the latest office infrastructure, ergonomic office furniture, dedicated phone lines, and more. 

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Quest Workspaces

At Quest Workspaces, we’re proud to be different because we’ve built a leading brand based on old-fashioned, reliable business principles combined with a culture of innovation and constantly improving the customer experience.