It’s only a phone number and a business address, for goodness sake. Why not just pick the cheapest one and call it a day? For office suites the rule goes the same as for candied sweets: the low cost of some may make your mouth water, but after the sugar rush is over, all they leave you with is cavities and a stomach ache. The more expensive brands of sweets are made of high quality ingredients that enrich your diet and provide the extra kick that leads you to higher performance. With the plethora of new service offerings coming onto the market, virtual offices in Miami have come be viewed as very commoditized, whereas in reality not all virtual offices are made the same. If you’re a start-up, home-based business, or simply a company expanding into a new market, consider the pitfalls faced by a buyer of hypothetical low cost virtual offices in Miami, whom shall be referred to as “Miami Sugar Rush Suite.”
The Miami Sugar Rush Virtual Office Plan
Here’s the scenario likely to arise from buying a Miami Sugar Rush Suite virtual office plan.
Virtual Office Handcuffing
Soon after you click the purchase button, you receive the paperwork to fill out at which time you discover you’ll need to fork up six months of a security deposit. Why is this? Low cost virtual offices tend to have an appeal with those less financially solvent. If you’re a financially stable company in this scenario, you’re paying for the financial risk that the landlord must bear from dealing with all the Miami Sugar Rush Suite tenants who didn’t pay their bills on time and got evicted. So essentially your working capital is held hostage. Moreover, you find out that you must purchase services for at least three months, which was a much longer time period that you needed a virtual office for.
In Quest Workspace’s 777 Brickell Miami Suite, for example, buyers of virtual offices in this Miami location only have to put one month’s security deposit down. What’s more, our flexible plans can be bought for as short as one month’s time. Financial flexibility is one way we give our clients the freedom to work the way they want.
Virtual Office Phone Faux Pas
A few days after beginning your virtual office experience with Miami Sugar Rush Suite, you get a call from an agitated client of yours. “I called the new 1-800 number on your website today, and somebody from a real estate company answered. What gives — you’re going into real estate now?” Unfortunately, not all virtual offices in Miami are willing to be discrete about the fact that you are operating with a shared receptionist.
For the Quest Workspaces virtual offices in Miami where a phone option is included, calls are answered in your company’s name during business hours. This avoids confusing the caller and helps to preserve your business’s professional image. Moreover, you’ll be given a local telephone number which gives callers the comfort that they’re calling the same you that they know and trust, instead of a large impersonal enterprise.
Virtual Office Traffic Jams
A week into your Miami Sugar Rush Suite adventure, a client calls you with an emergency request. She’s swinging by your office in an hour and wants to meet and discuss working with you on a large, urgent project. You call Miami Sugar Rush Suite reception to book a conference room, but the line is busy so you have to delay the booking. By the time you get around to making the reservation, your client has already hung up. Moreover, you find out that the waiting list for meeting rooms in your location is two days long, and you’d have to pay full price per hour for use of the room. As if the early morning gridlock isn’t enough, this is one traffic jam you wish you had been spared from.
Quest Workspaces provides an online meeting scheduler, so you’ll never have to worry about a delay in getting meeting space when you need it. Realizing that our clients’ visitors would always rather deal with a friendly face, we train our front desk team to manage visitors. Your guest could have waited in comfort with her needs attended to by the front desk staff while you made your way over to the meeting. What’s more, some virtual office clients in Miami get discounts on meeting rooms and day offices.
All of this is designed to give you the feeling that our staff is an extension of your company, and provide you with the support you need to grow your business the way you want. Some of Quest’s virtual office packages in Miami even come with a certain amount of free meeting room and day office bookings per month.
Virtual Office Mail Mixups
A client sends you a package containing confidential documents, but you’re out of town and can’t make it to the Miami Sugar Rush Suites office to pick it up. In the meantime, the receptionist shovels your package, along with everyone else’s mail, into a storage bin in the back room. The next day, someone with a company name similar to yours arrives to retrieve his mail, and the receptionist accidentally hands over your package. He opens it and becomes privy to your client’s sensitive data. When you arrive home from your trip, the receptionist hands you the torn envelope with an apologetic look on her face. You can only hope this data breach didn’t go as far as it could have.
At Quest Workspaces, we know that even in the digital age, mail is still the preferred method of communication for confidential information transmitted in many industries such as law and healthcare. Our staff is trained in proper mail management and there will never be a case when important documents are mishandled. Moreover, if you’re expecting a delivery from a courier, Quest makes every effort to ensure that the package is received securely.
They’re Not All As Sweet as this Miami Suite
Virtual offices aren’t just about office support. There are many benefits such as the significant cost savings to be realized by having one less person on the company payroll. According to, the average receptionist salary in Miami as of March 2017 is over $33k. (, 2017) And that doesn’t even include the hassle of scheduling time off or vacation, or the time to train the professional.
Quest’s packages for virtual offices in Miami, like everything else our company does, are highly focused on the client experience. We structured our plans with terms and conditions and well as a service approach that aims to make your work easier by taking care of the background tasks that you don’t have time for. Not all virtual offices in Miami are made the same; our services may require a bit more dough but once you try it you’ll see that no other offices taste sweet like this Miami suite. When you’re ready to take a bite, visit our solutions portal to gain the freedom to work the way you want.
Sources:, n.d., Florida Receptionist Salaries. Retrieved on May 1, 2017 from