Last Thursday Quest Workspaces was recognized by the South Florida Business Journal as one of the “best places to work.” We were one of 15 finalists selected in the small business category. I attended a luncheon with Kamani and the center managers where they announced the rankings, starting with number 15 and working their way up to the #1 best place to work. We all had butterflies and let out screams of excitement and relief every time they announced another winner and we kept moving up in the ranking. We are a competitive bunch!
As the MC reaches #4 and begins describing our company, we realize it’s Quest Workspaces!!! With only 7 of us screaming and cheering so loud in a ballroom filled with 400 people, the MC stops and laughs because we are jumping up and down and carrying on as though we just won the lotto!
We may have been recognized as on of the top 4 places to work in Southern FL but after witnessing the Quest team’s pride and passion I knew we had won!
Thank you team Quest and to our Questers for making Quest Workspaces a great place to work and congratulations to all of the finalists!