This past weekend Quest Workspaces celebrated the acquisition of our 4th business center in only a year with a Quest Company Cruise (say that 3 times fast) to the Bahamas. It was a weekend of fun, team building and wonderful Quest memories aboard the Norwegian Sky. Quester’s work hard but play harder and it is through this that the company strengths its core values of work and fun as not being mutually exclusive and the importance of community. The cruise was not just for the Quest staff but also our families; to thank them for their support and understanding about the long hours we’ve put in this past year to make each center great. It is not often that the staff gets together all in one place, so we definitely took advantage. There is nothing like driving downhill backwards down a one way street, running through the streets of Nassau through a parade with steaming hot conch, trying to make it back to the ship on time. We had such a wonderful time that we have already begun to plan our next excursion and we’ve decided to open the next one to include all the clients of every center and their families!