I’m a free-lance travel writer. And I’m on the road more than I’m home, which is a good thing and a bad thing, depending on the day you ask me. Just because I can’t bring an office set-up with me when I’m on assignment, doesn’t mean I don’t need one, you know?
Oftentimes, I have an important interview to conduct while traveling, or I’m in the middle of researching and writing an article with a looming deadline, and have to edit an essay of images, at the same time.
Yes, I absolutely NEED a traveling office.
Which is why I was thrilled to come across Laura Kozelouzek, CEO of QuestWorkspaces, with locations in Florida and New York.
I had an amazing opportunity to talk to Laura about her vision in Quest Workspaces, and was immediately intrigued with her passion. She is enthusiastic about every aspect of her thriving business and proud that it’s service module brings success to so many folks that take advantage of this ‘home away from home’ office.
Firstly, she’s personable! She was so open and friendly that I almost forgot it was an interview, she seemed like someone I’d known for a long time.
Can you talk a little bit about the Global Leadership Summit in 2016, and their findings on traditional work spaces?
Theresa, I’d be happy to address that question. I believe, as the percentage of millennials in the workforce grows, the desire for a more flexible workplace will mirror that. And as the popularity/necessity of outsourcing and remote working increases, even more of the workforce will operate, either from home or while traveling. Technology is so advanced now, don’t you agree? This means that there’s no more need for people to be in the same office, or city, or even country. It’s an amazing concept, if you stop to think about it!
People will always have the desire – at some point – to meet face to face, so the need for some sort of meeting place will never totally disappear, but I see it continuing to evolve, more so over the next several years.
What made you think of Quest and how do you define your ‘Questers,’ as I’ve heard them fondly referred to?
Well, coming from a background in Hospitality myself, I’d say that ‘soup to nuts,’ we’re all about the service. In today’s work climate, big business is determined to do a lot more with a lot less. So it’s fast becoming the year of small business. People are leaving corporate and starting out on their own. That’s where we come in.
Here at Quest Workspaces it’s all about accommodating every industry, from the start-up business with it’s energetic entrepreneur, to the big-business with a demand for office space, while away from home base.
We need to be everything to everyone and we’re aware of that. And in any one of our nine office spaces, everything is shared between tenants. That means not only the space, but our staff, which works hard to take care of business. We become anything you might need us to be. We can be your virtual assistant, we can help an entrepreneur think, plan, and make their business come to life.
Not every ‘Quester’ is the same ~ but they seem to be looking for the same thing. Freedom! Theresa, it’s hard to leave the cooperate world, you know this yourself. It’s like jumping into frigid waters, in the deep end of the pool. But, once you’re in and once you get used to the temperature and the art of swimming, you’re good to go.
‘Questers’ look for professionalism, in a first-class setting. They want a work space that makes them look like a pro and a place where they can come and go as they please. We give them all that – and more. We’re the complete package. I truly believe that!
So, are you of the mind-set, “Fake it till you make it?”
No! Actually, I think that term does the entrepreneur a disservice. These are business people, thru and thru. They are legitimate companies that have to start somewhere. Co-working facilities are a perfect jump-start for them. In fact, some decide they prefer shared office spaces, and never leave. We provide them with everything they need, really, without all of the huge upfront capitol expenses that can be debilitating to some.
As this trend continues to grow, large enterprise clients are taking full advantage of the co-working template, making it an integral part of their expansion structures.
What groups do you tend to relate to, or seem to attract to this unique idea of shared office spaces?
Surprisingly, we run the gamut! We know what to do and we do it well. We’re quite diverse and appeal to companies across the board. You’re a freelance travel writer, based in New York, and you’ve told me that you’re often sitting in a coffee shop conducting an interview, right? A shared office space would be perfect for someone like you, especially because you can rent it for just a day! Our space, in an up-scale building, with an entire office set-up, would give you a face, miles away from home. Can you picture it? ( I can! )
We work with Tech businesses, as well as creative, sales, and law firms, to name a few. And our spaces are stylish, and comfortable, inviting to both the business and their guests.
Can you tell me a little bit about the people you work with, you speak so highly of them.
Quest Workspaces is all about the people, Theresa. I firmly believe that you cannot deliver an amazing experience without an extraordinary team. And we have that. We are that. Every single person on the team understands the mission, and is on board with my vision. In fact, what began as my vision, has since morphed into the team’s. We all work very hard towards the same goal.
We have the same level of enthusiasm and we’re family. At the end of the day, we become your family. We care about your success and we work hard to solve any challenges you might face, in becoming successful.
Quest Workspaces has always been my baby. I built it from the ground up. I never took on a partner, never asked for backers. I wanted it to be my dream that came to life, I didn’t want to share my ingenuity. So, naturally, I have a huge invested interest in making it grow. And it has, beyond my wildest expectations.
We now have virtual offices, meeting rooms,co-working spaces and even private offices that you can work from. And the rent? Oh My Gosh, it is super affordable! There’s no reason someone can’t try it out and see what everyone is talking about when they mention Quest Workspaces and proudly call themselves a ‘Quester.’ I Promise!
About the Author: Theresa St. John
About H21 Connect
At H21 Connect, our mission is to introduce and form as many successful relationships as possible. We are committed to improving the overall quality of life for our employees, clients, and content creators. Using business acumen to inspire and elevate solutions to avoid the ongoing breakdown of communication between brands and freelancers. We envision a better everyday system for our clients and freelance professionals to connect in a safe and professional manner. We strive to expand our business with the same integrity, ethics, and honesty we use to validate the brands and freelance professionals we partner with, providing an overall experience that will exceed expectations.