Electricity. Lights. Air conditioning. Telephones. Oh, how we love to assume that they’ll always run smoothly. For the most part, they do…that is, until they don’t. And when a disruption happens, it can be nothing short of a crisis for fast paced, high pressure industries such as law, finance, and technology. Although the weather in South Florida can’t be beat, the sun doesn’t shine all the time. The balmy climate that we cherish brings with it a host of Miami vices such as flooding, king tides, and hurricanes, to say the least. A virtual office helps companies manage these risks so they can sleep well at night without the worry of service disruption.
Quest Workspaces, a provider of shared office spaces in nine locations nationwide (eight of them in South Florida) knows the game well when it comes to saving the day. Recently a large law firm experienced a calamitous event: a pipe burst in their main office, shutting down the entire workflow. Quest accommodated the need for space for their entire operation within days, saving them from lawsuits, loss of reputation, and most of all, professional embarrassment.
A virtual office isn’t only for when disaster strikes. Many companies enjoy the flexibility that such a service creates. Quest’s virtual office clients are able to rent office space on demand when needed, and many packages include perks such as a mailing address, personal assistant for administrative needs, and discounted use of their conference rooms. These amenities work well for a growing company that requires such resources but doesn’t demand exclusivity. For example, the impact on a company’s brand is tremendous if they have a professional receptionist answer their phone. They may not want to pay for a dedicated staff member, though, because their call volume is low. Why not “share” a receptionist? This is one example of how virtual offices afford a growing company access to vital professional resources at a fraction of the cost. Quest Workspaces was founded to give clients the freedom to work the way they want. Virtual offices release clients from burdensome risks and costs that would otherwise hold their businesses back.
This short video below captures Quest’s virtual office services in action. Take a look to see for yourself why clients choose to make the shift. For more information about how virtual offices can save your company from the Miami (or another South Florida city’s) vice, contact us.