If you're starting a business, meeting clients can be tricky because you may not have the luxury of company-owned meeting rooms. Coffee shops may seem a cheaper and more appealing alternative to many freelancers and entrepreneurs without a co-working office.
Holding meetings at coffee shops may be cheaper, but could be hurting your bottom line. Here are reasons you should avoid meeting clients or co-workers over a cup of coffee at coffee shops:
1. Too Many Distractions
You will have to bear with too many distractions if you choose to hold meetings in coffee shops. While you can control the time and place of your meetings, you have absolutely no control over what or who will be there.
There could be loud music at the café or a rambunctious group of teenagers celebrating their favorite soccer team victory. Your client may not appreciate the inconvenience caused by the loud noises, and you will struggle to get heard over the din.
2. No Privacy
Lack of privacy can be a major issue at coffee shops. There's no guarantee the café will remain empty when you hold meetings there. More patrons may stream in, and the space quickly gets crowded. Your clients or co-workers may become uncomfortable sharing critical information in such circumstances.
The cost of losing clients or aborted meetings would be too much compared to the cost of signing up for flexible private offices or meeting rooms. These private office workspaces offer the comfort and privacy needed to hold meetings with your clients and co-workers.
3. Lack of a Professional Look
Coffee shops are far from being ideal when it comes to creating a professional environment. The best it can get is an informal place for people to have coffee as they discuss the latest NBA standings or box office hits. It may not be the best environment for crafting deals with clients or brainstorming for ideas to propel your business to the next level.
A flexible co-working space would be the best solution to this setback. If your growing business doesn't have enough financial resources to afford regular office workspace, you may consider signing for office-space-on-demand which provides all the facilities you will need for a fully functional office.
4. Unreliable Internet Connectivity
The Wi-Fi at the coffee shop may fail you when you need it most. It may be too slow or fail to work at all. Besides, public Wi-Fis pose data security concerns and put the integrity of your data systems in jeopardy.
While cafes may provide additional services such as lunches and drinks, you will be better off in a hospitality-driven co-working space that provides reliable internet connectivity, as well as other important office infrastructure.
5. Interference from Staff
You're likely to suffer too much interference from staff if you hold meetings at the café. Staff may keep hovering around, picking up and replacing supplies, or even inquiring if they can do anything else for you. Staff may also want to move you from your position to admit more guests, creating too many inconveniences.
How Quest Workspaces Can Help
If you're starting a business, coffee shops would be a big mistake for holding meetings. While leasing office workspace may be expensive, Quest Workspaces can help you get an affordable, flexible premium office space on demand or co-working office. You can pay by the hour, day, week, or month, depending on your office workspace needs.
Our premium office workspace solutions provide much more than just an office space for your meetings. They offer reliable office facilities, such as an internet connection and the necessary furniture. You only have to move in and start working.
You can also choose the most suitable location for your private office, so you can hold meetings with your customers and co-workers conveniently. Whether you need an office in the heart of New York or Miami, Quest Workspaces has your back.
Coffee shops may be cheaper, but their inconveniences will hurt your bottom line. If you're looking to avoid coffee houses and want to hold your business meetings in a professional environment, consider partnering with us at Quest Workspaces for reliable workspace solutions.
We have offices in a location near you.
If you need more information on our innovative private office solutions, please contact us today.