As for networking, Laura Kozelouzek, president and CEO of Quest Workspaces says focus on these do’s and you’ll not only walk into work Monday guilt-free, you’ll be little miss popular:
■Put Yourself Out There
This is THE party that all the bigwigs attend. It’s casual, festive, relaxed and the perfect opportunity for you to introduce yourself to the CEO and make an impact on your difficult to pin-down boss. You see your day-to-day colleagues each and every day – expand your reach and get out of the corner, away from the bar and mingle like a banshee.
■Get Personal
While, yes, this is the office party, it’s not time to talk shop. Don’t even think about asking about that promotion, bring up a contentious issue or mention that stressful meeting from last week. Instead, leverage the fact that your boss or client has had a drink and is in a relaxed state and ask about where she went to school. Does she plays tennis or golf? Where does she find all those great suits she sports at the office? Find things in common and take the relationships to the next level. The more you listen and make meaningful connection, the more allied she’s going to be to your success. However, remember the line – I’m from the mid-west is good, my beau just cheated on me – not so much.
■Grip A Drink
While you’d think it goes without saying, based upon the horror stories we’ve all heard or been a part of, it’s worth repeating; this is not the party to get bombed. While the easy solution would seem to keep your hands off the punch, it’s not. Your co-workers will be indulging in a glass or two and you want to ensure you don’t make them uncomfortable, feel guilty or as one co-worker of mine told me; her glass-less night turned speculation around her drinking problem. Have a glass of wine, but not five. And the truth is; no one needs to know what you’re drinking.
■Contain Yourself
While, without question this is a party and feel free to take off your suit jacket – make sure your Santa bra isn’t the only thing you’re wearing underneath. If you’re using this soiree as a career-making event, remember the emphasis is on OFFICE not PARTY. Steer clear of the karaoke, remember the buffet is not all you can eat and sitting on your co-workers knee is a no, no.
You’ve made a great impact and while the hope is that your boss wasn’t too drunk, tired or overwhelmed with new introductions to remember your stellar performance, don’t take it for granted. Follow up with a “great to get to know you” e-mail. If you found a common connection – a love of gardening, travel or Thai food – search the web and find a great article, restaurant recommendation or discount travel site and send along.
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