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Quest WorkspacesJun 21, 2023 12:20:18 PM4 min read

How to Make the Most out of In-Person Meetings

Despite the high uptake of remote and hybrid working, the value that in-person meetings have on company productivity and culture cannot be ignored. In-person meetings guarantee higher engagement and productivity, better collaboration, and clearer team goals. Unfortunately, meetings may not be everyone's favorite part of their workday. In fact, studies reveal 45% of employees feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of meetings they attend each week. 



However, it doesn't have to be that way. With careful planning and preparation, it is possible to turn your in-person meetings into highly engaging and productive events where everyone is motivated to participate. This blog shares five tips to make the most of your in-person meeting. 


Set a clear agenda

Generally, meetings that don't have clear agendas tend to get off track easily. Such meetings may also incorporate people who don't need to be there and would be better off handling other projects. Setting a clear agenda with well-defined meeting goals, possible outcomes, and action items is an easy way to optimize the productivity of your in-person meetings. Apart from keeping the meeting on track, an agenda allows the more introverted members of your team to prepare their discussion items and participate robustly in the discussion. 


Get meeting materials ready

Productive meetings require a high level of organization and preparedness. You don't want to run around at the last minute trying to locate everything you need for your meeting. This is why it makes sense to have all meeting materials ready beforehand. A few days before the meeting, ensure you collect all crucial meeting materials, such as copies of previous minutes, agendas, reports, pens, writing materials, and more.


Leverage visual aids

Visual aids play an integral role in enhancing the effectiveness of in-person meetings. Visual aids provide visual support that improves comprehension and enhances communication while capturing attention and stimulating engagement. By leveraging visual aids effectively, meetings can become more engaging, productive, and memorable, ultimately leading to better outcomes and increased collaboration among participants. However, experts recommend that you use visual aids in moderation. Although the aids offer several benefits, they can distract from the point at hand or slow discussions. 


Utilize technology

The right technology can also enhance engagement and comprehension of items under discussion. For example, you can tap into live polling or interactive apps to collect participant feedback or opinions in real time. Such technologies will not only save a lot of time but will also add an element of excitement to the meeting and provide valuable insights. 


Keep your meetings short and sweet

With studies estimating that 91% of employees daydream during long work meetings, you may want to keep yours short and sweet. The longer your meetings run, the more the risk of participants losing interest or getting distracted by other happenings around them. Some of the tips to achieve shorter and more effective meetings include:

  • Offer breaks: One of the most effective ways to make your meetings interesting is by offering breaks when needed. Breaks can help keep everyone fresh and focused on the discussions at hand.
  • Keep it focused: Stick to the agenda and avoid going off-topic. Should unrelated issues arise, note them down for future discussions. 
  • Assign time limits:Allocate specific time to each agenda item. Use a timer or a designated timekeeper to ensure discussions stay on track.
  • Encourage preparation: Ask participants to come prepared with valuable information and updates regarding the agenda items. This will not only avoid time wastage but will also guarantee more productive meetings. 

Take your meetings to a Coworking space

Whether you are a remote-based business or a traditional brick-and-mortar organization, changing the meeting space can make your meetings more effective. For example, opting for private meeting rooms offered by coworking spaces such as Quest workspaces can be an effective way to maximize meeting productivity. Coworking spaces offer several advantages, including:

  • Professional environmentCoworking spaces offer access to well-designed meeting rooms providing a professional atmosphere that encourages engagement. Since they are designed to create a positive impression and enhance credibility, private meeting rooms can be beneficial when meeting clients, investors, and partners.
  • Access to amenities and services: Coworking spaces offer access to various amenities and services that can improve the effectiveness of your meetings. These may include high-speed internet, whiteboards, printing facilities, visual aids, audiovisual equipment, and other technologies. The availability of these resources saves you time and effort so you can focus on the meeting's purpose. 
  • Distraction-free: Coworking-room meeting rooms offer a quiet and distraction-free environment that enhances productivity. This allows participants to focus better and become more productive during presentations and discussions. 


Quest Workspaces help enhance meeting productivity

In an era of advanced technological innovation, it is easy to question the relevance of face-to-face meetings. However, despite digitalization and the changing work models, many organizations choose in-person meetings over virtual ones. In-person, meetings facilitate more effective communication needed to build solid relationships and company culture. 

One of the easiest ways to increase engagement in your meetings is to tap into private meeting rooms offered by leading coworking spaces.


At Quest Workspaces, we offer tailored meeting rooms designed to help you maximize the time spent in meetings and boost employee morale and productivity. Contact us today to schedule a tour near you.



Quest Workspaces

At Quest Workspaces, we’re proud to be different because we’ve built a leading brand based on old-fashioned, reliable business principles combined with a culture of innovation and constantly improving the customer experience.